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Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

How to order Google Indexed Fast

Want to know how the way to our website quickly indexed by google? Any thing we should do in order to quickly website indexed by google? please read the tips and tricks on how to speed up the google index.

Actually, can not be certain how many days need to be indexed by google our website. A day, two day, three days, week, month or ...... the important thing is not a quick or long our website in google index but the extent to which we are preparing our website content or the content itself. If the website is not ready to lose if the fast indexed or disprove if the website is ready but has not been indexed then we will be restless.

Understanding google indexed

To check whether or not the website has been indexed by google is by typing site: namadomainanda.com on google search box. In the result / search results will be shown how a link or a page that has been indexed or no result / search results at all if the website has not been indexed. In a simple sense indexed again is that we have been able to find a website with the keywords that we use especially on the front page page.

Tips For Fast Google indexed

If the website has been prepared as a whole both the content and SEF system has been good but not yet indexed also please try the following tips in How To Website Fast Search Index


At the moment we are writing content / articles on the right side (metadata infoemation) there was a box contents of robots that we can. Be sure to write parameters in the box tersebur following parameters:

1. index
2. index, all

to provide a way for google indexing robots our website or no index to do the opposite

Creating Anchor Text on Other Websites

Creating a means to make the link anchor text in writing that connects our new kewebsite. (If you do not know what anchor text silhkan click here now! Line here is that if the anchor text on click it will connect to our website)

Install Ad Free and Write a Comment

One alternative is to pair the ads may be on the web for free advertising, or can also write comments on DoFollow blogs.

Submit to Google Web Submission

Enter your URL or register on several search engines like yahoo directory, google webmaster tools, bing and the like.


Never do SPAM write / create excessive anchor text as this akanmerugikan our own.

Re-configuration of the contents robot.txt

This last option that is changing the contents of the existing robots.txt in the root of your web hosting (not discussed specifically here an advanced user).

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